Life is stressful, and life is short. It's easy to get caught up in homework, exams or a job. We spend so much time focused on what we think we're supposed to be doing instead of on what we want to be doing. Sure, it's important to get good grades or a good job. I want those things for myself, but I also want to make sure I enjoy my life. I want to have stories to tell when I'm 80 years old and talking to my grandkids about the amazing memories of my younger years.
I recently took the time to look at the stars at night time in the middle of nowhere. I couldn't tell you the last time I stopped and looked at the stars. That's when it hit me. I have to stop stressing myself out to the point of no return. I have to take the time to do things that I often take for granted, like looking at the stars.
I want to do all the things I say I'm going to do but never get around to. I want to go canoeing with my best friends. I want to take a camping trip, make a trip to an amusement park and travel to new places. I want to share experiences with the people that I love, and I'll remember those times forever. Maybe I won't remember all of the details in the years down the road, but I'll remember how good it felt to take a break in my life and do something that will actually matter to me when I'm 80.
People spend a lot of time stressing over the things that we think life is all about. We stress about school, work and money. I get it. I worry about those things like everyone else does. I just know that when I'm older, I won't care about how well I did in college nearly as much as I'll care about how much I enjoyed laying under the stars. I won't be telling my grandkids about that time I got an A in my politcal science class after a semester filled with stress and endless studying.
I encourage you to do the things you want to tell your grandkids about. Get your friends together and take a trip. Travel to somewhere new. I'm not saying don't worry about your grades or job, those things are important, but it's important to take time to enjoy yourself sometimes. Go lay under the stars. You won't regret it.