When you grow up, you tend to lose a lot of the innocence you once had. You learn that things you thought to be true actually were not. As a child, there is so much mystery to the world around you, which makes everything so exciting. Christmas is one of those things. We believed in a man we had never seen (not including at the mall) to bring us presents if we were nice and coal if we were naughty. Our parents were just as surprised to see what Santa had brought for us. Little did we realize that they had spent the whole night wrapping while we were trying to fall asleep before ole Saint Nick came to visit.
Now that we're older and have found out the truth, we see the world as a different place. You connect the dots and things fall into place. Every Christmas after that doesn't quite match up to the ones in the past. But we try to keep that excitement every year, at least in my case. For me, Christmas isn't just about the suspense of seeing what's in the box or in my stocking anymore. It's about waking up at 5 am on Christmas morning, creeping down the steps, and walking into the living room to take in the lights and the ornaments on the tree glowing in the corner of the room.
That little piece of childhood still lingers when you see that tree all lit up. You know the world is not that magical place you once depicted it as, but you will always hold onto that need to keep that wonder alive, at least for one day a year. So as a young adult, don't just brush off Christmas as if it's not as special as before. It was once the reason you behaved so well all year long. Just remember the feeling you used to get when you finally got to tear into that neatly folded wrapping paper and you'll return to being that kid once again.