I don’t really think of January as the beginning of a new year. To me, the school year is what marks the beginning and ending of each year that passes. Basically, the end of May is my January. So right now, in my brain, a brand new year is beginning. New beginnings naturally bring change. Perhaps you’re graduating college, getting ready to start college, moving out, or starting a new job. It’s quite possible several major changes are happening in your life right now. A lot of people fear change, but I think it’s all about your mindset. It’s easy to stay in the same place and only want to do familiar things and see familiar people. But, when the things around us change it’s our job to change too. You can’t cling on to the past or wish things could go back and be a certain way that they used to be. Getting older has helped me realize that there’s nothing quite like the present. We never realize that what we have in a moment is something that we are going to miss someday, until the day we miss it comes. Adapting to changes around you can be difficult. Some may even find change to be depressing. The thing about change is that it is inevitable. The life you may be leaving behind to make room for change was the result of a different series of changes you went through. Take change in stride. We live our lives in chapters. There’s nothing wrong with being resistant to changes around you, but it’s important to keep a smile and a positive attitude.
Never forget that in order to get where you want to go, you can't keep doing the same thing. Saying goodbye to people and places that you've grown to love is never easy but it paves the way for you to build new memories and relationships that will also last a lifetime.Student LifeMay 22, 2017
Why It's Important To Accept Change
Things change this time every year.