Last Thursday, I was able to travel to Peoria, Illinois to be reunited with my amazing big and one of my best friends since school ended this year. We went to the movies and she took me out to dinner, and it was incredible. We talked for so long and I really needed it.
As I was about to head home, I decided for the drive, I wanted some Starbucks, especially because I'm from a small town and can hardly ever get some. I waited in the drive-thru patiently, trying to decide what I wanted. When I finally ordered and got to the window totally ready to pay, the barista looked at me and smiled and said, "The car in front of you paid for your drink, so you're fine." I gasped because this has never happened to me before. It's such a simple gesture but one I've never received, and it totally made my day. So I told her, "Well, in that case, I'll go ahead and pay for the car behind me." She smiled and said alright, and after doing so, I drove away feeling completely and totally ecstatic.
It might sound so silly, how completely and totally happy I was, but let me tell you why. Whenever I turn on the TV nowadays, it's all sad, negative and downright terrifying. Sometimes when I go out in public, I overhear conversations that I wish I wouldn't have, because of how rude or terrible they are. On social media, people are constantly fighting and tearing each other down. There's body shaming here and racist remarks there. It honestly just makes me sick. Yet on Thursday, a stranger cared, and it warmed my heart. They had no clue who I was, what religion I am, what my political views are and they still bought me an overly priced name-brand coffee.
This all might sound silly to you, but that's OK. In times that are filled with war, hate and terror, it can really be the little things that count. We never know exactly what someone else is going through and what's going on in their mind. So instead of remaining quiet when you see a stranger looking down, ask if they're OK. Give someone you don't know a compliment, because they might really need it. Hold the door for someone, pick up someone's tab if you can, smile, wave and just be friendly. Stand up for someone even if they're a stranger. Donate to a charity close to home, because even a penny can make all the difference. Volunteer somewhere you'd have fun helping at if you have the time. Most importantly, be happy. Right now in this world, there's so much negativity and there's too much for my liking. But imagine how much brighter everything could be if we just made it that way.