It's very easy to get wrapped up in your everyday life that you forget to take time to yourself. Between the stress of everyday life, and trying to please everyone else you tend to neglect yourself. You forget to appreciate the little things in life.
Here is some of the little things you forget to appreciate:
1. Wonderful scents.
The biggest thing we take for granted is the wonderful scents of things. For example, different foods, perfumes, flowers, and just plain fresh air. One of my favorite scents is fresh baked cinnamon rolls. Aromatherapy can help with many ailments and can help you de-stress.
2. Getting a nice parking space.
As a college student I struggle to find a good parking space. It's like I'm competing in the hunger games for a good parking space on campus. I base how good my day is going to be by whether or not I find a good parking space or not. It is always a plus if you find a good parking space at the grocery store, work, school, or anywhere really.
3. Receiving a compliment.
Wether it's a compliment on how you look, or how good a job you are doing it's always nice to receive a compliment. People don't really understand that you can literally make someones day by giving them a compliment. You never know what's going on in people's lives or how much it could mean to them to hear a few nice words.
4. Random things we forget to appreciate.
*The smell of coffee and books.
*Getting an item for sale.
*Acts of kindness, like someone paying it forward.
*Chivalry, like someone holding a door open for you.
*Receiving a good grade on something.
After reading this article I hope you are able to remember to appreciate some of these little things that get taken for granted.