Perfectionism is informally embedded into your personality, character traits, and essentially consumes every single aspect of your day to day life. For lack of a better explanation, perfectionism is a commitment to unhappiness and disappointment.
With long drives comes the question, "why am I doing this?" But yet there is no choice, perfectionism is a trait of character, not something that one can just one day stop or end. It is seen as "failure" if something is not done perfectly. To what measures the standards of "perfect"?
Perfectionists, or at least from my perspective, feel as though they need to be the "best" or in some way please everyone, and succeed flawlessly at everything that they do. This is unattainable and challenging at the very least, because how can someone possibly please "everyone"? How am I pleasing myself?
Every single day, is automatically striving to have a "perfect" appearance, overall work and/ or academic performance, social interaction, accompanied with flawless evaluations from others, and an overall flawless outcome in every thing that you take part in: each and every day is "perfect".
Perfectionists want what everyone wants, to be loved, cared for, and cherished. I hope that I can make my parents proud, in spite of my past "failures".
My one and only goal is that if someone has been struggling with perfectionism, even in the slightest, that reading this will he of some comfort or help.
FeaturedFeb 16, 2023
Why Its Hard For A Perfectionist To Fail (anything)
Perfectionism is something I have struggled with for as long as I can remember. I hope this post helps offer some insight!