My whole life I was encouraged to be a leader. Teachers, parents, and friends all said it was better to be a leader than a follower. This is something that has stuck with me and influenced things that I've done in my life. In high school, this involved things like being cheer captain and the editor of my school newspaper. In my youth group, it consisted of me running for various positions on different boards. Now, in college, this has translated into me holding a position for my sorority's Executive Board, called Vice President of Recruitment.
Over the past year, as a general member of my sorority, I have witnessed two different executive boards hold positions. While some aspects on each of these boards have been successful, there have also been some aspects that need improvement. Since joining my chapter I have had ideas buzzing around in my head of ways to improve our chapter and strive for a better presence. Now that I hold a position I am able to finally instill these ideas and make them a reality. This past year as a general member really helped me to see that I not only wanted to hold a position, but that I really wanted to see a change in my chapters overall attitude
This past weekend my executive board had an "E-Board Retreat". This past weekend really helped us to bond and get to know one another, especially those who had not been so close prior to. It was really important for us to have a connection because something we noticed as a whole about our last executive board was the lack of cohesiveness. We felt that in order to be successful and unify our sorority our connection and communication were of the utmost importance. Our retreat allowed us all to get on the same page so that we knew where each position stood heading into the new semester.
I think it is really important to hold a position in not only your sorority but in anything that you do. It is important to hold a position because if you care enough about what you're involved in you should want to hold a position that allows you to make changes to things that were done in the past. It is important to show others that positive changes can be made and to pave a pathway for those younger than you to follow on. When you get involved it inspires them to follow your lead and hopefully carry on what you have started.
I really feel that holding a position in my sorority has already made an impact on not only the sorority but on myself as well. I have gained skills that I would not have otherwise had and became friendlier with people whom I had never really had a relationship with before. Although it has only been a few weeks, I can already see the positive ways that it has impacted myself and those around me. I am so excited to be able to make positive changes for my chapter and I am thankful for the opportunity to do so. Being on the executive board, so far, has already been amazing, and I can't wait to see where else it takes me.