Cold-hearted. Old-fashioned. Insensitive. Racist. Homophobe. Backwards. These are the words that many Democrats tend to call Republicans, and yet I can say that I, and most other Republicans, are none of those things.
It has been proven that the millennial generation is the most liberal generation in America so far, which makes it harder for the millennial Republicans like myself to express our views without being called anything I listed above. Although I feel outnumbered, I don't feel defeated.
Social media, I believe, plays a huge part in this increase of Democrats in my generation. A lot of us are lazy and seem to take things as they are, and that's the problem when it comes to social media. The media is so left-sided these days that young kids are not going to go out and look further into the situation or look at the other side of it. We take things as they are and because we are always told only one side, so we start to think and believe the same things that the media is constantly shoving down our throats.
Young people don't care enough about politics to do some research and see both sides. Have you seen a millennial without a phone or a laptop? No. It's so rare if you do. You sometimes will even see an 8 year old with a smart phone now. The media surrounds us all the time, and it's hard not to turn away from their beliefs when it's the only belief being told to you.
Another factor that I think plays into this as well is education. I can't tell you how many times I've had a liberal professor who professes his political beliefs at every lecture we had. I'm so sick of it. I don't think any professor should put their beliefs on any student nor speak about their own beliefs, whether you are a liberal or a conservative. I have yet to come across a conservative professor who has expressed his political beliefs in class, but then again, I don't think there are too many of them in this field.
I have realized that a lot of college kids don't care that much about politics. They care about finishing their four years at school then getting the hell out. This is the problem though. They will hear and do whatever the professor wants them to do, as long as they get the passing grade to get to graduation. Some of us have minds that are still like sponges, especially when it comes to political talk, and you don't have an opinion formed yet. You listen and you absorb what your professor says, and then you start to believe in it as well because your professor is seen as wise and intelligent.
I'm not saying all professors are liberals or those who are put their beliefs on their students, but there are a lot of them out there. This and the constant left-winged social media is something that is hard to escape.
If you are a Democrat and you know why you are, especially in this generation, then I do respect you, but if you are just a part of this party to be a part of it due to the high influence from social media and maybe your professors, then please dig a little deeper into both sides of each party. Our generation is considered the smartest generation, and we can have a future that consists of endless possibilities, but we won't have that kind of future if we take everything for face value.
Although I feel suffocated half the time by the left side and sometimes feel like I can't express my opinion without the "tolerant" left side attacking me, I will always stand my ground with my beliefs. I may be "rare" to be a female Republican in this generation, but I'm extremely proud to be one.