Something that I have learned over the years is that there are two different kinds of people when it comes to the concept of love. There are those who are absolutely and irrevocably in love with the idea of love, and then there are those who take what they can get and see it for exactly what it is. Ever since I can remember, I have been one of those people who is in love with love. I think sometimes it has gotten lost in translation because of how I present myself to people when I’m afraid of being vulnerable. In the past year, I was hurt and in some ways, that has made me put my guard up more than I ever thought possible. However, beneath it all, I am still that girl who daydreams about the kind of love that can change everything. I’m just a little bit more mature and have a few experiences under my belt. Now, I still daydream about love, but I know that there is no kind of love out there that can change everything. Love is complicated and uncertain, but it is the journey that makes it worthwhile, or so I assume. I used to get told often that being the kind of girl who is in love with the idea of love is not a good thing. People (my mom) would tell me that it was unrealistic to believe that there was a love out there powerful enough to change everything. I see what she meant by that now, but a part of me still dreams of it.
I just don’t see myself actually getting it the way I used to. I think girls like me have it harder in a way because our hearts are so fragile and have spent so much time yearning for something that might not be out there. However, being this girl isn’t so bad because there are men out there who are going to wake up one day and realize that girl who seemed way too into love was actually the perfect kind of partner. The world needs a little bit of hope in it and people like us still have hope, even if it gets knocked around a little bit. Despite the scars I have endured from not so wonderful experiences, I am still hopeful about the future and the kind of love that can awaken the romantic in all of us. There are so many different kinds of love and that is the beauty of living in a world with so many different people. I fall in love almost every single day, and I know what you’re thinking. Nerd alert. How can someone fall in love every single day? What I mean by that is that I fall in love with the way the sunset peaks just over the desert. I fall in love with something a stranger may say while they’re walking through the mall where I work. I fall in love with the lyrics in a song I hear. There is something beautiful everywhere you look and maybe that’s the writer in me talking, but it couldn't be truer.
Love is something I dream of every day and even though some people may say that being in love with love will only lead to heartbreak, I will still continue being who I am because there is no way to be anyone else. Who knows, maybe I will find true love someday or maybe I won’t. Maybe I’ll have a few loves in my life. There really is no way of knowing, but I believe that the girls who are in love with love are not so out of touch with reality as people may think.