While a vacation in Mexico or California sounds nice, sometimes going home for spring break is a vacation within itself. Beaches seem to provide the perfect background for an amazing instagram and the perfect weather for a bronze tan. However, sometimes staying home can also be just as relaxing.
Before I went to college, I never wanted to stay home for any break. Whether I went somewhere an hour away or five hours away, anywhere but home was a vacation for me. While going to exotic places is always nice, fun, and relaxing, I never understood that sometimes staying right where you are could be just as nice. Now that I am in college, I long for the weekends to go home to see my family and dog. Nothing sounds better than laying in bed for a week and catching up on TV shows.
Not to mention, staying home for break could also be just as adventorous! Explore where you come from and find cool places you have never heard of before. From you trying out a new coffee place to finding a new store, I assure you that they are out there.
Giving yourself down time in the place you come from is not the worst thing that will ever happen to you. To the people who have not left for college yet, spend time with your family now because you don't realize how much you will miss them when you get to school. And to the people who are already in college or even graduated, I think you know exactly what this article is about.