Dating. Marriage. Babies. As a woman, these are things that are expected to be part of our lives. Especially if we're over 30. I am no stranger to this expectation.
As an Asian woman, it is doubly expected of me. I have dodged the comments about my love life, my age, and my procreative abilities for all of my adult life. But as I've gotten older, I've come to realize that as much as people expected marriage and babies for me (and yes tried to pressure me into it), the fact that I didn't give in was a blessing in disguise.
Being single and not married with kids allowed me to really grow into my sense of individual self and boost my self-confidence; I was able to direct the time and focus I would have spent on my husband and kids towards learning about myself. Let me say, I am a better me because of it, and I wouldn't give knowing who I am up for anything.
So, I am here to tell you ladies, it's okay to be single after 30. It's okay to not have a boyfriend, never been married, or have babies. This is nothing against the ladies who are dating, married, or have kids because I would totally love to get married and have kids, not to mention I have 7 sisters who did get married and had kids young.
All I'm saying is just because society expects it of us does not mean we should conform to it if we don't want to, and we shouldn't have to either. We, as women, should proudly take the chance to choose our own path and learn exactly who we are.
Making ourselves happy, knowing who we are as individuals, will in the end make the oh so important marriage and children that society values so much more meaningful if it happens. But if it doesn't happen, you can bet it is the single women who know who we are that will live happily, even if we're alone.