When at first you don't succeed try and try again? Right? Right. It is OK to not be successful with every single thing you do. There will be tests that you do not do as well on, and other outcomes you cannot change. But that is OK. Here are some reasons why.
1. Everything is a learning experience.
OK, you didn't get the grade you wanted on your test? Just try harder next time. Don't be so discouraged, just put the extra effort in for the next one.
2. Without failures there would never be successes.
Do you think the light bulb was invented on the first try? Or more relatable, the first iPhone? Or the shirt that you're wearing right now? No. It did not just happen right away, it took time and work.
3. If we never fail, what funny memories will we have?
Sometimes looking back at things we fail at make us laugh. I know there are definitely some stories that I can think of.
4. They make us better people.
Failures make us learn ways to work on new things. They also help us grow as people. Some of my biggest failures have helped me achieve the accomplishments I have today.
5. You can discover a better outcome.
If it doesn't go your way, maybe something else can come out of it! Always look on the brighter side of the situation. You never know what can happen.
6. If you are afraid of failing you will never take chances.
7. It is inevitable.
No one in this world is perfect. We will all make mistakes and fail at things. It is important to get back on your feet and keep going. You should not and cannot let this get to you. Be stronger than they think you are.
J.K Rowling once said, "It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case, you fail by default."
8. It makes you work harder.
If you fail the first time it will make you want to keep going until you get it right.
9. When you finally succeed at something it will feel great.
When you get something the way you want it to go it will feel so much better.
10. You will become a stronger person.
Learning how to overcome these failures will make you a stronger person. You will learn to accept them and keep going and to never give up.
11. Lastly, when you accept failure you will be happier.
I have learned that I will not get every single grade that I want or have the perfect outcome to everything. I have learned to make light of every situation and accept it. By doing that it makes me unafraid to take risks.