Reasons Why It Is Ok to be Self Centered: Oftentimes people who love themselves or center their lives on trying to please and pamper themselves are seen as pompous and arrogant, even egotistical. However, there are many perks to be being self centered. Here are five of the pros:
1. You are trying to better yourself in order to better the world and others.
When you are allowing room for self growth in order to better yourself and focusing on what will build your own character; be it related to emotional, financial, or personal success, it will be easier for you to care for others. When you find your personal balance, you will be able to guide others.
2. You build self esteem and self actualization; love for yourself
When people see how confident you are, they will begin to find inspiration from you. That will allow people to find their own self worth. As long as your self centeredness does not turn into a toxic arrogance that leads to putting the confidence of others down, or dehumanizes others, your ability to recognize your self worth is incredibly valuable.
3. You will learn how to feel safe and comfortable in your own skin
When you are happy, others will be happy as well. Happiness is something that can be shared. As Buddha said: "Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared." When you are confident in yourself, you will be happy and this happiness will spread joy to the lives of others. I am not saying to never be there for other people, rather I am emphasizing that it is good to take breaks to better ourselves because being unhappy will simply lead to the unhappiness in another. Be compassionate but also learn to love yourself in the process.
4. You will gain skills such as morality, problem solving, and lack of prejudice simply by observing others
Without realizing it, when we prioritize ourselves, it will be easier to observe changes in others and base our foundation of helping others with the way that we have helped ourselves. Others will not always be there for us, but when we learn to be self reliant we build character. By simply centering our lives around ourselves we can look at the world from a newer perspective. New ideas can change the world.
5. You won't find a problem in being self determined as the toxicity of others will no longer affect you
In order to escape toxic people and toxic environments, we must put ourselves first. Self determination means joy.