We live in a society that is all about being selfish. That's a harsh reality when you think about it, but we've made a lot of things about ourselves. Many times our thoughts are so consumed with ourselves that we forget about those around us. I personally am guilty of this. It is so easy to become consumed with ourselves, especially when that is a lot of what the media portrays to us on a daily basis.
The thing is, as selfish as we all are, God calls us to oppose that selfishness and become selfless. Being selfless is definitely contrary to what we want and what our flesh desires, but there are so many rewards that come from being selfless. Despite what society and our flesh may desire, we are called to be imitators of Christ and Jesus was the greatest example of selflessness. In fact, by coming to this world to save us, Jesus came as nothing and took on the role of a servant (Philippians 2:7). He didn't come to earth for Himself; He came to serve and die for each one of us. (Mark 10:45) Bottom line, if we are to truly strive to be like Christ, we have to choose to put our selfishness aside. One thing I have learned by being selfless, many times people are less insecure because they are more focused on others rather than themselves. People are filled with happiness as well because they find the joy in giving rather than just receiving. Sometimes it can be scary letting go of what you think you need or want in order to allow God to use you to accomplish His will.
Ultimately, being selfless and putting your desires aside so God's will is accomplished could lead you to some of the biggest blessings in your life. All in all, by being selfless we are submitting to God and allowing Him to use us to change others' lives. And it might surprise you, those people you are serving may just end up changing your life too.