I find myself—all too often—wondering how the future will play itself out. How will the day go? Will I come out on top? Will it be embarrassing? All of the best and worst possible situations scatter my thoughts.
I guess I'm lucky to say I've had a realization that it honestly doesn't matter. The worry and the obsession of everything needing to go your way will never change what is actually going to happen. No matter how many times you dream or fight against a future event - it will or won't happen with absolutely no thanks to you. People will come and go from your life as they please - maybe a few times. You could find yourself sitting at Starbucks with someone you never thought you would speak to again. You could decide to leave someone you never thought you could bare a day without. The truth is, predicting life is impossible.
You don't have to torture your mind with what-if's, maybe's, and I-hope-not's. It is what it is and it will be what it will be. The truth of the matter is that you don't have any clue what the world has in store for you- you could never even guess. That is the beauty of life. The quicker you embrace it, the happier you'll be. Enjoy the good, learn from the bad, and let go. Don't hold yourself down to your own thoughts. Life is a whole lot more than that.