4th of July. Independence Day. Whatever your name may be for this wonderful holiday, it is my favorite. Most people when asked this question will often say: Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween. The typical answers. However, every time this question would get asked to me, even as a kid, my answer was always: the 4th of July. I would often get weird looks, the why's, or the but what about the presents on Christmas don't you like those. Of course every time people would give me those responses I would just smile or laugh and move on. For me I love the holidays, any holiday really, I love eating to the gills, chatting and catching up, and being surrounded by the holiday spirit. But why is the 4th my favorite?
No presents.
As a female there is this idea that we love getting presents. Well not this female. Presents stress me out. Don't get me wrong I have a knack for gag gifts and sentimental wedding presents. But getting gifts is stressful, because I don't hide my expressions well and people know if I don't like something. I also have anxiety when people are opening my gifts to them because Jesus H. even if it was on their list they could have changed their mind and not wanted it anymore. I don't like the element of surprise so presents aren't my thing. This is the one holiday where that doesn't happen and I love every minute of it.
Just family, friends, and having a good time.
I don't think there is a more chill holiday than the 4th of July. I come from a large family where most holidays, since we live in the North, are spent inside yelling over each other in a house that is not built for the amount of people we have in it. During the 4th I have the ability to wander and talk to whoever and everyone I want because we're able to be outside. Also since my grandparents are the more the merrier type family brings friends and those friends bring friends. It's a nice, diverse group of people. Since the focal point is remembering why we have this day we are able to just relax and have a good time. There is no pressure.
The 4th in the opinion has the best menu out of any other holiday, because I eat 95% of the food made. Burgers, hot dogs, kielbasa, fried chicken, you name it we've got it. The cookie table is always impressive along with the other desserts. This is the holiday I eat to the gills and feel not one bit of shame about it.
Ever since we were kids our family would have us make matching outfits for every holiday. But this holiday was the one where we all got together and made our 4th of July tshirts as a group. Since then we have grown out of that tradition, but we've had fun picking out our own patriotic outfits. Which usually involve some sort of crop top, tank top, tshirt, that have some clever saying about the holiday. Bandanas for days. Crazy hats, hair pieces, etc. You name it, we do it.
Last but not least, the fireworks. The fireworks are my biggest reason for loving this holiday. I've always been partial to fireworks, sparklers, really anything that would like up and cause cool sounds. My grandparents live right above our community park so we always had front row seats for the big show. We'd gather up our chairs and blankets, set them out front, and wait for it to begin. The fireworks always provided that time for reflection on what the holiday was really about and the importance of why we celebrated our freedom. I mean how could it not with all the patriotic music tied to it while the fireworks were set off.
Everyone has their reasons for loving their favorite holiday, but the 4th of July will always be mine for these few reasons and many more.