When someone says Health in America, what picture comes to mind? Does it paint a picture Of a healthy family running to the park, or do you get the image of a family sitting at home watching TV, eating pizza, and snacks, and candy?
maybe depending on your family and your surroundings the picture that you see may be different however I think most people have to agree with the second one. American one of the most health concerned countries, is actually one of the least healthiest when it comes to Being Fit and and eating right. However a lot of people who aren't healthy or who are not what "appears" to be healthy get scrutinized a lot even though it's not an easy thing to do. For example if you've ever taken the time to go into a grocery store or any food store and look around at prices even though cookies, snacks, and chips aren't the cheapest thing it seems to be cheaper to get a 24 pack of cookies then if you try to go get 24 apples or oranges. Any food that is considered healthy appears to always cost more. If you go to a restaurant or fast food restaurant definitely, try to order a salad. It will cost 5 times as much as one of the less healthy options such as a burger, fries, or hot dog. When it comes to eating healthy your options can sometimes be limited unless you have an unlimited bank account.
Unhealthy eating habits start off very early in American society particularly with school lunches at least. On a list of 20 countries, America has the least healthy school lunches served to children in K through 12 grades. They don't have very many healthy options and as we all know growing up here, most of the time looks like slop, or processed food, or something that was thrown in your freezer for 2 years, so not very healthy at all. It starts off early on in America, early in the mindset to be unhealthy to get kids hooked on junk food and fast-food, and things that can be thrown in the microwave. When other countries grade school children have much more healthier options to choose from.
Thanks to social media, I have a few friends who live in other countries and have the opportunity to see how they view America. In their opinion it is very unhealthy in general; sickness, health, age are very different than where they come from. For example I do have one person who specifically did grow up in a more tropical area explain that her view of American Health was that everyone here seems sick.
She has a serious point. But its even deeper than you think. If you get a chance to talk to someone In the medical field, they'll tell you..they want you to get sick, they want you to be unhealthy. Who are they? The American infrastructure.... Healthcare is one of the most lucrative businesses in America..if you were healthy they wouldn't make any money. So the next time you criticize someone for not being "fit" or "healthy" remember that they are fighting against the systematic prevention of good health in American society. Its possible but its not easy.