Why is it okay...
1. To ask a girl why she is so skinny but not why she is so fat.
Body shaming. It goes both ways. Sometimes, the skinny ones don't want to be that way and vice versa.
2. To not look people in the eye anymore.
If they do, will they suck your soul out? No. Be human, and interact please.
3. To disrespect someone that is serving you.
Servers, cashiers, baristas. We are people too. This is our living right now. Please respect us as we have done to you.
4. To be rude to those who are younger than you.
Age is but a number. The new generation just might be the nicest and most innovative people you meet.
5. To be rude to those who are older than you.
They have fought countless times for you to be here. Appreciate them. Thank them. Respect them.
6. To cut someone out of your life but the second they do it to you it's the end of the world.
The Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
7. To be unforgiving.
You're going to live with this the rest of your life whether you like it or not.
8. To be unforgiving and not feel terrible about it.
Heartless. I pray for you.
9. To text and not talk on the phone.
Does she even know what your voice sounds like? Do you know hers?
10. To communicate through your phones but not in person.
Do you even know how tall she is? What she looks like? If she wears perfume? Is it Photoshop, makeup, or is she actually perfect?
GROW A PAIR AND ASK HER OUT. Maybe you could even look her in the eyes.
11. When a girl hits a boy but not when a boy hits a girl.
Abuse goes both ways. If a woman is abusing a man, she should be locked up. If a man is abusing a woman, he should be too. There's no in between.
12. To hook up with people, but as soon as you fall for that person, you're "whipped."
It's not bad to be "whipped." In fact, being in a relationship is the best thing that's ever happened to me. I'm not being held back.
13. To let a boy sleep around, but when a girl does it, she's a wh*re.
Every man makes his own decisions. Every girl does so as well. There's no difference in us other than some testosterone, estrogen, and a chromosome.
14. To release movies about bad cops, violent use of guns, criminals, etc. but it's not okay to post a video about the good that cops can do, the harm that guns can prevent, and the humans that criminals are.
I don't care what entertains you. Murder shouldn't be one of them. Racism shouldn't be one of them. Violence shouldn't be one of them. Has anyone heard of comedy?
15. To be a follower and not a leader.
What happened to creating a tribe? Why do we just join one now? Let's re-charter.
16. To be drunk every weekend, but when you're not then you're labeled the prude.
I'd rather remember my Saturday evenings with good friends. I'd rather not get sick every Sunday morning. I'd rather enjoy my glass of wine, savor it, and not have it backfire on me.
17. For a man to look but a woman cannot.
Need I say more?
18. For a man to not help a woman anymore.
It's not cool to make her walk through a puddle. It's not cool to not open her door. It's not cool to not pay for her candy at the movie theater. Be a gentleman. Hold her hand. Hold her heart.