Why Is Bullying Still A Thing? | The Odyssey Online
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Why Is Bullying Still A Thing?

I'm still confused as to why people still teach their kids to be rude to others.

Why Is Bullying Still A Thing?

High School

The best four years of your life is probably the biggest joke I've ever heard. Freshman year came around and although I

started to become in better shape, the teasing did not let up. I soon found myself smitten with a boy two years older and

of course to my young self what I thought was love was nothing more than a boy who wasn't ready, but his ex girlfriend

was ready to tear me down. Of course twitter had taken off and more and more tweets targeted at bullying me was very

degrading. Many months pass and as I left that boy behind I created even more enemies in trying to find love.

My biggest mistake to this day was falling for a boy I spent about two years with. Granted this boy was very understanding

and wonderful although I did not expect the baggage that came with the relationship. In the middle of my romance I started

receiving texts from unknown numbers telling me how little my worth was and how being with this boy was a mistake

because they would ultimately win in the end. To my sixteen year old self I thought this was the end. That they were right.

Although I went on ignoring these messages they weren't the worst thing to come about the relationship. Eventually I found

out who sent those messages and I still am a little salty over how rude they were to someone they've never even talked to.

But what I didn't expect was what guys are capable of.

During my junior year I made a mistake in trying to be funny online. Instagram was the big hit now and I thought dragging

my ex in a post was the coolest move there was. Well I was miserably wrong. After the post got more attention that I

ultimately wanted, others posts started to arise. Soon my face was all over school and all over the internet being fat shamed,

being ridiculed, having other rude things posted over my pictures. Needless to say I still believed these boys went a little too

far. Soon there were bets going through the whole soccer team to see who can crush my heart the fastest. After laying low

for a very long time it all seemed to smooth over. I was grateful to finally being back to a nobody.

Unfortunately that didn't last long. Senior year came and so did a lot of stress and manipulation. I became so interested in

a boy who would tear me down in every way possible. Being mentally tore at is not a joke, and although I was too young

and naive to know what was happening, I still live with the repercussions today. The relationship ripped my dignity and

self worth to shreds for a very long time.

Bullying is not a joke. It impacts the victims in ways that is so hard to describe. I don't wear outfits that are tight on me

because I am too scared to know what people will say. I don't speak out because I don't want to hear arguments on how

stupid I sound or how ugly I am. I don't bring up the past because reliving it is a hard thing to do. It's not hard to teach

kids how to love one another or for a school system to see someone who needs help or to take action when they ask.

We NEED to do better for further generations. We need to do better for our children. There are too many YOUNG

children taking their own lives. We NEED to stop this.

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