For current college students, this is a common problem that we don't talk about enough and needs to be addressed now. College students are finding that with ever increasing tuition costs, they cannot afford to stay in college or they have to transfer to another, more affordable institution. They also find that in later years they will not be thrust more readily into the workplace and might not be offered an additional one to two years of additional income with their job once they find one.
According to The University of Oklahoma's website, the institution has reformed this by offering a flat rate tuition to full time undergraduates (full time being defined as 15 hours or higher). Folks, it is time for all colleges to transition to this flat rate tuition, instead of progressively increasing our tuition, year end and year out. Everyone is going to college for many reasons, but you know what we all have in common? We all want a degree, we all want to walk the stage and receive the coveted diploma from our president.
This cannot happen with increasing tuition, period. College administrations around the country are wondering why they are losing kids to community colleges and other four year institutions. It is because we cannot afford tuition. Most of us, I would assume, come from middle class families, and we have already taken out plenty of loans for college. Why would an educational institution do this to its students if they take pride in our student bodies? One word: Greed. As long as greed is around, tuition will continue to rise, unless, we have safeguards against it. Solutions need to be made, and people need to be held accountable. Let's do this people.