As we get closer and closer to election day, you can't help to wonder why a criminal and a bully are leading in the Democratic and Republican parties. Recently, Cruz and Kasich have both left the GOP and now Trump will become the Republican nominee. As a republican myself, I am terrified. This twisted feeling of how terrible my future is looking with these two leading candidates is my inspiration to write my dog's name in during the election next fall.
My dog, Jenna Craig (please do not mock her name and call her "Jenny Craig"; she is very sensitive and as her partner-in-crime, I would have to be the one to comfort her), is a blonde labrador, but don't be concerned–she's quite intelligent. In addition, she doesn't dye her hair or tans till she is orange: She wants the people to know she is the real deal. Jenna is a lovable and kind-hearted dog. She won't make Mexico build a wall to secure the boarder, she'd rather use unemployed US citizens to improve what we already have.
Jenna is royalty in her household and is spoiled with attention, however she will never let her crown be a reason to look at people like they are peasants. No, she has never owned numerous businesses, but maybe that's a good thing because she doesn't have an ego bigger than the Trump Tower! Jenna is a great listener. She believes that the people should have their voices heard and the federal government needs to shrink. Her goal as a president is to be for the people while maintaining America's relationship with other countries. She understands how important it is to be socially Liberal, but she also knows the US debt is very high and the country needs to remain fiscally Conservative.
Believe me, millennials will love her. Unlike Hillary, Jenna doesn't have to try hard to be liked by the millennial generation. She won't act phony to persuade the minority communities for their vote, she loves everybody the same. Truthfully, if "Mean Girls" was "Mean Dogs", Jenna would have been the cool mom, so why not vote for her?!