Once upon a time, I had no idea where I saw my life. I did not know that I was going to The University of Alabama and I certainly did not know what I was majoring in. Oh, and when I say "Once upon a time" I mean July of this year. I had to do a lot of soul searching and then I thought of something that could work for me. I would trust the journey.
To me, trust the journey means trusting God. I have turned to him a lot in the past and thought to myself that if I could trust him to get me through the hard times, I could trust him to get me through one of the best times of my life.
I had a totally different college plan for myself before I decided to put my trust in Him. I saw myself moving to Washington state, getting my Pre-Med degree and going on to become a neurosurgeon. As of today, I am obviously attending The University of Alabama and majoring in Telecommunications and Film Production with a minor in Sports Writing, Broadcasting and Production. I honestly do not have any idea where that will take me. If it will take me to somewhere huge, or if it will totally change in the next four years, I can not wait to see where it does go.
Trusting the journey is not just about college with me. Almost every day to day choice I have is me putting my trust in God. I trust God in my relationship with my boyfriend, my relationship with my family and my relationship with my friends. I fully trust him with my life day to day, and I can only hope that he has a plan for my future. Not knowing what my future holds is incredibly scary, but it is thrilling for me. The sense of mystery is what makes me wake up in the morning and go to sleep at night.
More people should be trusting the journey. My stress level has gone down significantly and my head seems more clear. I have had less anxiety (shockingly) and I am more excited to start my day. It has been nothing but beneficial to me and it could be beneficial to you, too, if you accept it.