I am not perfect when it comes to politics. It is so easy to listen to what you already believe, but when I do get serious about learning who I'm voting for, I put on my battle gear before I step into the voting arena.
I look up as much as I can about candidates and where they stand on issues. Voting based on the issues and not on the party seems to be a foreign concept today but it is, in my opinion, the way voting should work. When we strip voting of the important issues and just look at the people running, are we doing what is best for the country? No, we are serving our own interests.
Other than where candidates stand on issues, I attempt to look at the amendments I am voting for. I do more than talk to my family and friends who share the same views as I do, I talk to people who disagree with me.
Yep. I ask people with opinions completely different than mine to explain to me why they feel the way they do to gain a fuller perspective on the issue at hand.
I am not the only force to be reckoned with. Millennials are officially the largest generation and if we could pull together, we would have heavy sway in the polls. This gives me the motivation not only to vote, but to encourage others to vote.
I want this country to become inclusive in every sense of the word. I want equality for every gender, race, and class. I care about my fellow man and I want to see everyone have the chance to succeed. I also want to see everyone attempt to educate themselves when it comes to voting because I care about this country. This is my motivation to vote. The generation I belong to largely wants these things to and we have the education and motivation to make them happen. Watch out, because the more we learn, the more we’ll do and the more we do, the more this country will change.
Be a fierce voter with facts and motivation to back up your beliefs. Put on your battle suit in the form of education and protect your heart with a shield so when your beliefs are attacked by closed minded people you can defend yourself. This is what I do and this is why I am the voter you fear.