Why I'm Proud To Call Myself An "ABEC" | The Odyssey Online
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Why I'm Proud To Call Myself An "ABEC"

Call me crazy, but I'm a crazy animal lover.

Why I'm Proud To Call Myself An "ABEC"
Jacquelyn Sagasta

Animal behavior, ecology and conservation: Three very important topics that intertwine with one another so well that they've been turned into a college major, ABEC for short. Often ABEC majors are questioned on both the validity of their studies, as well as what monetary value will result from them. The answer to the former lies among the importance of the interconnectedness of all living things. The answer to the latter is sadly, most ABEC majors find themselves struggling to pay their dues and/or living a frugal lifestyle. I am writing to tell you what makes these studies valid and why money is the least important of the rewards that come from studying animal behavior, ecology, and conservation.

Let's start with what we actually learn. In the classroom we learn about animals: mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds and invertebrates. We not only learn about where the animals live, but why they live there, how they behave, how human presence affects their behavior, and what can be done to minimize these effects. We then apply what we think we know in the field and see if we can apply what we've learned in the classroom to the real world. Simple enough, right?

Wrong. Animals are unpredictable and animals don't read text books. This makes it that much more exciting. While maintaining a respectable distance, we're able to observe these animals and study their interactions. And here's where the question comes in: why is knowing all of this important? A perfect example comes from elephant seals. An elephant seal is a large marine mammal that dives incredible depths to feed on squid, Rays, and other deep-sea creatures but comes back to the shores of central California to breed and rest. By studying elephant seal behavior on these shores and in the ocean, we not only learn about the way they live their lives, but how they live in balance with other organisms they come in contact with. Whether it's nipping at a nuisance of a crow in the sand or chomping on a tasty squid 1,500 meters below the ocean surface, elephant seals rely on food to survive: not only for energy, but for mating. Only the biggest and strongest male elephant seals are able to mate with females and produce offspring. They need an abundant supply of prey items to do so. By tracking elephant seals, we have learned that their prey are creatures that are very sensitive to the health of the ocean such as squids, rays, and fish. Therefore we know that by keeping the ocean clean, we are helping the fish, squid, and rays, and ultimately helping the elephant seals.

So what does the health of elephant seal populations have to do with us? If it doesn't make us money, if it doesn't affect the health of our population, why do we care? Because. Because elephant seals make us feel small, yet so big at the same time. As do Sequoia trees that stand tough and mighty in redwood forests. And gray whales that feed and gently bump across the bottom of the ocean floor. And California condors that soar high through the clear blue skies. How can these things make us feel small? One answer to that question is the sheer size of each species indicated, each being a significant amount larger that a human- especially myself. The other lies among the importance, the age, the wisdom of each. Sequoia trees support life for a number of organisms in forests, some of them for at least 3,500 years. They can survive raging forest fires and are larger than a human brain can even fathom. Gray whales skip across the ocean floor scraping up tiny benthic crustaceans to munch on, then surface for a breath. This 80,000 pound animal peacefully surfaces to blow out its breath, creating beautiful, graceful bursts of water from its lungs. The 11-foot wingspan of a California condor is able to soar through the air once again after making a comeback from too-close-for-comfort endangerment. All of these organisms are bigger than me. All of these organisms exhibit such beauty, strength, grace.. All of these organisms make me feel small. This is not even a grain of salt in comparison to the number of interconnecting species on the planet while I am one small, insignificant human.

Yet on the other hand they make me feel so big. Yes I am one, insignificant human. But every movement for change has to start with one person. By studying animal behavior, you won't grow up to be a millionaire. The reward comes from knowing you've dedicated your life to a selfless cause. That you study these animals so that you can implement plans to save them as well as all that are connected with them. Because as a wise woman by the name of Jane Goodall once said, "Only if we understand, can we care. Only if we care, we will help. Only if we help, shall all be saved." The movement can start with me, it can start with you, heck it's already begun. Do your part to save the planet and its inhabitants- be an ABEC.

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