Lately there have been so many movements, protests, and speeches about women. We are tired of being under appreciated, under paid, and over all not heard.
For so many years, women had to be silenced.
Our opinions did not matter, only our husbands.
Our lives seemed to have not mattered.
We "belonged in the kitchen."
We lived to please our men.
But now, everything is different.
Women have voices that are demanding to be heard. This world would not survive without women. Not only do we carry children for nine months and bleed for an entire week every single month, but we carry just as much weight as men do -- if not more.
We are capable of so much more than what the world thinks we are.
Feminism is another topic that makes people roll their eyes and change the subject.
But this is what I don't understand.
The definition of feminism is: the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes.
So... why is it such a big deal? Why do some people think that feminism is so much more complicated than it actually is? Because it has the word "feminine" in it?
It's EQUALITY of the sexes. Not "kill all men and women take over the world."
The world would not function without men. The world would not function without women.
We need equality. Not winner or loser.
I'm proud to be a woman because I am capable of so much more than what others think. To some, I'm a 5'2, small-framed woman.
But I'm strong, independent, and I have my own opinions.
To some, Beyoncé may sound like a broken record, but her take on feminism is one of my favorites. Only because she doesn't go crazy with it, she believes there should be equality. And she practices AND preaches that.
She has taught me what women are really capable of. Her song "Run the World (Girls)" to this day gives me chills.
Boy I know you love it, how we're smart enough to make these millions. Strong enough to bear the children, then get back to business.
That's one of my favorite lines of the entire song. I highly recommend if you're ever feeling down or like you're not doing anything right.
Here, let me make it a little easier.
You're welcome.
I'm proud to be a woman and show the world how truly powerful I am. We are capable of everything and more than what the world thinks of us.
Here's to us women. Here's to our amazing futures.