Going to college, I had no idea what I would involve myself in. I saw myself being involved with student organizations, the theater department, and maybe even an intramural sport. If you had told me then that I would be joining a sorority, I would have probably laughed in your face. In my mind, sororities & fraternities were something you would see in the movies. A place of cattiness and isolation from the real world. However, somehow I got talked into going to a few recruitment events for the sororities, and my mind was instantly changed. These girls were not mean, these girls were not cliquey, these girls cared about what I had to say. They took the time to have real conversations with me. From that day on, I knew that I had to be a part of something so unique, and here's why I am proud to be a part of Greek Life.
1. You are given the opportunity to love those of your same sex.
I don't know about you, but I've always been someone who's been more comfortable hanging out with my guy friends. Maybe being a part of a group of girls is intimidating, but I've never been the best at it. Being involved with a sorority, I've been exposed to members of my same sex. I have spent time relating to these girls, hearing their experiences, and comforting them in times of need. When you spend that kind of time with people, you grow to love them not only for their strengths but also their weaknesses. You share the fact that you are the same gender, and in that process, you appreciate your gender even more.
2. You can influence your community.
Greek life isn't just about hanging out and meeting new people. Each sorority/fraternity has a philanthropy that is the center of the group. These philanthropies emphasize real issues in the world that need to be addressed. Each member of the sorority has some connection to that philanthropy, whether that be personally going through it, watching someone else go through it, or seeing it in the world and wanting to make a difference. It offers support to those who have struggled while finding a way to make a change. This is done through community events, awareness campaigns, and outreach to those in need.
3. It helps create leadership.
Greek life offers students many opportunities for leadership. The leadership roles offered often allow students with many different talents to step up to the plate. Whether that be planning events, designing apparel, running the philanthropy, the list goes on and on. It allows students, who may not usually get a chance, an opportunity to show their skills and be appreciated for them. In this leadership, public speaking skills are developed, confidence is boosted, and support is offered.
4. You are apart of a family.
As cheesy as it sounds, being a part of Greek life does feel like being a part of a family. Because you spend so much time with these people, you grow together. You fight, you tease each other, celebrate together, and you love one another. You didn't have a choice who's in your family, but you wouldn't trade a single one for the world. My Greek family has shown me compassion, excitement, kindness, goofiness, and has never failed to remind me how loved I am. They know my faults, my hardships, have felt my pain, and they love me anyway. Just like a family.
Like anything in life, people will judge and find reasons to hate on others. Greek life is no exception. While it's okay and necessary to form your opinions, keep in mind that even if you don't like something, it could mean the world to someone else. Not everyone is going to want to go Greek, and that's okay. There is so much hate in the world, and we are all guilty of contributing to it. However, it is also our job to show compassion and love to those around us, even if we don't agree with what they believe in. Have an open mind, an open heart, and be a part of something bigger than yourself!