This country is filled with opposing views on various issues. There's the democratic party vs. the republican party. There’s Mac vs. PC. There’s even Nicki Minaj vs. Lil Kim (WHICH SOMEONE SHOULD FIX IMMEDIATELY). We're split on a lot of different things, but one thing that shouldn't even be up for debate is a woman's right to choose what to do with her body.
As human beings, we’re able to make choices every day. Being able to think things through before acting is what sets us apart from other living things. It's an essential part of who we are. Just the other day, I chose to sleep more instead of going to class. To some, that choice may have been stupid because of the absurd amount that I pay per class, but I made the decision! I was human. Sure, an outsider could have given me their opinion on the decision I made, and that would be fine. Granted, I may or may not listen to the advice, but they have the right to express their opinion. Freedom of speech, right?
Now imagine going beyond simply acting on your first amendment right to express your opinion on something (even if it doesn’t directly involve you). Imagine telling an entire gender that they aren’t able to make a decision on something THAT SOLELY INVOLVES THEM. Imagine the level of privilege and entitlement that this requires. Some people are so used to having their voices heard by others that they feel completely comfortable with telling women what they can and can’t do. It’s baffling.
I will never have the ability to give birth to a child. I will never find myself wondering whether or not to share my body for nine months. It’s just not in the cards for me.
As a man, I will never fully understand what it’s like to be a woman. I will never truly understand what it’s like to be faced with the decision of whether or not to get an abortion. Of course I could sympathize, on some level, but I could never actually empathize with a woman on this. I don’t know what it’s like, so how could I force my opinion on the matter?
How is it legal for us to strip women of their right to choose what they do with their bodies? We shouldn't have a say in such a private matter. Moreover, circumstances of pregnancies vary.
What about the women who are pregnant as a result of sexual assault? Can we seriously force every woman in such a scenario to not even have the option of abortion? I don’t think so.
Additionally, allow me to break the whole pro-choice vs. pro-life debate down a bit. If someone is a feminist, it doesn't mean that they’re anti-men. It means that they believe that women should be afforded the same rights and opportunities that men have (HOW ARE WE NOT ALL FEMINISTS??). Feminism is about equality of the sexes. Similarly, being for the Black Lives Matter movement doesn’t mean that you're belittling the importance of other races or police or anyone, really. It simply means that you believe that black people should be given the same basic rights and opportunities that other races receive. It's about equal opportunity and human rights. Furthermore, being pro-choice doesn’t equate to being the opposite of pro-life. You can personally be 100,000% pro-life and STILL believe that women should have the right to choose.
Just because you have a personal belief, that doesn’t mean that another person shouldn’t be able to have a different belief. As humans, we need to be able to have civil discourse and discuss our opinions freely. We need tobe able to agree to disagree, if necessary. We don’t all have to have the same values! This country has always been comprised of different views and beliefs, and that’s OK!
By all means, express your opinion until you can’t anymore, but don’t expect the rest of the world to agree with you. It’s just not realistic.
Specifically, my fellow men need to understand that this isn’t really up to us. We should stand with women on either side of the debate, but at the end of the day we shouldn't have the final say. We don't get to just dictate what women are able to do. Though many men STILL seem to be unaware of this, women are more than capable of making their own decisions! It’s up to women to choose whether or not abortion is the right option for them. They’ve got it, I promise you. As men, our job is to stand with women no matter which option they choose.