Over the past few months, the topic of discussion has been the same throughout for most people: The Presidential Election. Who will be our next President of the United States of America? Will he/she fulfill his/her duty? I do not know. And honestly, I'm not worried nor nervous about the outcome of this election one bit.
That's right Miley. You heard me, so there's no need in making another one of your longest "say what?" quotes here.
I know some of you may think I am crazy for not being worried about it, but I'm just not. I have such a peace about this election. In fact, I've enjoyed just sitting back and watching all of it unfold. It's pretty amusing if you ask me.
You see, I've learned that worrying does not help any situation, it only elevates our concerns even more. Now I'm not saying that I don't worry about anything because I do. I'm human. We all worry about things we have no control over because we like to know the next thing. But I've learned that if we knew everything, we would have nothing to look forward to. We would never get excited, anxious, or give credit where credit is due. We would never be in awe of the way God has so perfectly orchestrated things to fall into place--all because we are too focused and worried about the next thing. We oftentimes forget that "He's got the whole world in His hands," and if He can hold this whole entire world, how much more can He hold the problems and worries that concern us? He tells us in Matthew 6 that he feeds the birds of the air, and we don't see them flying around wondering where their next meal will come from, now do we? I know that's a simple analogy, but if God cares about birds, God cares about you and all of your concerns. He wants nothing more than the best for us--even the outcome of this election.
I don't want people thinking that I don't care about who wins this election because I do...a lot. I just know that this world is temporary. If we worry about things we have no control over, it's as if we are looking at God saying, "I don't trust You in this situation." I can only imagine His reaction when God, THE CREATOR OF THIS UNIVERSE, hears His children say this. It's almost as if we think that we have any sort of power to change the outcome of any situation. Umm... I'm sorry. Last time I checked Jesus Christ was the One sitting on the throne. I have to remind myself of this quite frequently when I come to Him upset about a grade, a test, the future. He knows the outcome of every situation. Knowing that our gracious God is faithful gives me strength and hope to not worry. Because let's face it, when we are worrying, we are wasting precious time that could be spent doing far better things.
"And which of you by worrying can add a single hour to his span of life?" -Luke 12:25
If you've stuck around long enough to read this entire post, thank you. I don't want people to think that I am uninterested in this election because I am more than ready to see what the outcome will be on Tuesday, but I know Who is ultimately in control. He has given me such a peace about this whole thing, and I know the President may have a "say-so" in how we are governed, but God will ultimately have the final say. He knows the end from the beginning because He created it all. Whoever ends up winning this election, God already knew long before Donald Trump or Hilary Clinton ever even considered running. His plans always prevail, and we can't improve His plans. He wants the very best for us. And ultimately, it doesn't matter who wins this election because Jesus Christ is KING, and He trumps any government authority.
"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid." -John 14:27