With all the news about the latest disgusting thing Trump said, I thought it was time to put in my two cents on the election. First, let me start by saying that I grew up in a Republican household. There was no “predominantly” or “mainly” preceding the characterization of my household, as that would imply incompleteness. On the contrary, my household was totally and completely Republican. Perhaps it was the house I grew up in, or simply my life experiences, but either way, I found my political theories fell most in line with the Republican viewpoint. Therefore, when this race for the presidential office began, what seems like ages ago, I entered it thinking I was going to vote for the Republican nominee. Little did I know the nominee would be Donald Trump. Little did I know I would not be voting Republican. I guess you can say that the stupidity and vulgarity of Donald Trump single-handedly caused me to change political views. Or you can say this election made me open my mind to other political beliefs. In either case, the fact is I am not voting for the Republican or Democratic nominee.
Let me continue by clarifying my reasons for abandoning my Republican post. It is not because I am a broke college student and free tuition sounds great. No, Mr. Trump, it is not because I am a lazy, illegal citizen. Instead, it is because I am a woman. Not just a woman, in fact, but I am also a mother. I have a daughter. Up until a week ago, I still considered Trump a valid option for president. However, upon hearing these latest remarks on a leaked clip in which Trump discusses what women will let him do because he is rich and powerful, I am utterly disgusted. I’m sure one can argue the matter of sexual assault or not but the fact is the words came out of his mouth. I don’t want the president of the United States talking about women in such a vulgar way. I legitimately fear for the well-being of myself, my daughter, if Trump is president.
I’m sure many of you at this point are thinking “Well, why don’t you just put a woman in office?” That is a very real option. However, she is almost as degrading to women as Trump. Not only did she defend a rapist during her time as a lawyer, but she also defended her husband. While Donald Trump was only caught saying vulgar things, Bill Clinton did them and his wife defended him. Is this really the best option we have, ladies? Is she really the best representation we have for women?
As I was thinking about all of these facts, I realized something. America has lost its way. Our country was once built on the freedom to choose. People from all races and ethnicities flocked to America to seek religious and political freedom. Though we are still granted this freedom, we are now defined by the choices we make. We are either Republican or Democrat; there is no in between. Not only that, but we can be persecuted if we choose the wrong side. People argue over Facebook or protest in the streets when an individual claims a different view than ours. So what is wrong with breaking the mold which America has unfairly created? What is stopping us from saying “I am neither Republican nor Democrat”? It’s still a free country.