I have recently seen quite a few articles floating around Facebook as to why women are "done with feminism," or why they're "not a feminist and that's ok." Naturally the argumentative sociopath in me just had to click away...and while I do support and even respect the growing movement of women fed up with feminism, I would like to propose a polite alternative opinion. I am NOT tired of feminism. In fact, I think the world could do with a great deal more.
Feminism has always been a bit radical... I mean who would have thought that both sexes being equal could really prove to sound so extreme? However, feminists have always fought against a firmly rooted patriarchal society. Naturally, this created a grey scale of sorts pertaining to just how "radical" a feminist was. And thus came the term "femi-nazis." You know, the girls that grow out the armpit hair and walk around topless? I get that such overt methods may not be your still of activism, but these women are valuable to the feminist movement. Not only is the term "femi-nazi" highly degrading (and frankly used to suppress any real progress made by the coalition), but become a term used to turn sister against sister. Sure, shave your arm pit hair. That doesn't make you any less of a woman...the expression of how your femininity will be demonstrated can only be decided by you; but that doesn't mean that more colorful tactics of gaining equality are unneeded.
Frankly, I don't think many people - men and women alike - know what feminism really means. Every time you vote, you are a feminist. Every time you drive a car, you are feminist. Every time, you walk down the street unaccompanied by a male, you my dear, are a feminist. The rights that I have in this country were not always common practice. Most aspects of my daily life were fought for by brave women before who refused for their voices to be silenced. The civil liberties you often take for granted are a by-product of the feminist movement. So, if you are really truly against all things pro-women, then we'll be needing your keys, voter registration, and basic human rights. Thanks.
The fact of the matter is that feminism is a broad spectrum of varying opinions. However, what everyone can agree on is that we want equality, and we deserve it. I don't really understand how a woman can say that she doesn't agree with that. I recently read an article where a woman stated that men and women are not equal...simply based on a genetic and physical perspective. And while I certainly don't have the same...umm...parts, as a man, that does not change that fact that I am his equal. I get that this notion can be ground breaking, but the archaic idea that men and women are not equal because of a physical component is a sad excuse to continue antiquated practices.