"Oh, there's not a lot of money in that." or "Good luck finding a job in that field!" are just some things I hear on a typical day when I tell someone that I am a theatre major. I have always replied with "Oh yeah, I know it's rough" and shook it off like I didn't care. However, the more I develop in my major, the happier I am that I chose it. I'm not ashamed to call myself a theatre major, and here's why:
1. There is theatre in everything
Anything you do in life can be related to theater in some way. Every decision you make, could be contributing to the performance you have for others' perception of you. In creating ourselves, we are creating characters that become who we are. And life, is a big performance.
2. Theatre reaches people in an emotional way
Unlike most professions, theatre has a personal heart to heart connection with complete strangers. It can make it's audiences weep or laugh until their stomach hurts. A person can become completely enveloped within the performance and feel those one on one connections with characters, they've never even met.
3. Theatre provides hope
You see the nice guy get the girl, the superhero save the day, and the family being reunited. You see these characters going through the same thing as the audience members, and offers them hope in a world that often times seems dark. These stories that are being told, tell the story of someone around the world. The are real, they are beautiful, and they are inspiring.
4. Theatre helps me discover who I am
Through the exploration of different characters and storylines, I find out what exactly it is I believe in. Maybe I discover an activist heart while doing social justice theatre. Maybe I learn about my characters faith in ways I never could if I didn't portray it. It is constantly exposing me to the millions of different ways theatre is used as a learning tool and a safety net. It helps me become, who I am.
While I realize that theatre as a profession is very difficult and won't allow much money into my life, I don't care. The benefits that theatre brings to people everywhere is something completely unique and beautiful about my major. I'm proud to spend my time singing musical soundtracks, and randomly bursting out into scenes with my friends. I proud to be apart of something that allows my creative nature to grow. I'm proud to work and work for months on one performance that changes peoples lives. I'm so incredibly proud, to call myself a theatre major.