I am all for equal opportunity, equal pay, and equality in general. But you see, equality isn't about everything and everyone being the same, equality is about individuals who are unique, but also contain the same amount of worth.
And I believe God made us all equal, however, he did not make two genders for them to be the same.
Today, it seems like feminists are focusing way too much on efforts to achieve everything men can do, instead of realizing that men and women are created differently and excel at different things.
That's not to say I don't think women can do what men can do, and vice versa. Girl, if you wanna be the CEO of a major corporation then you have my utmost complete respect, and guys, if you would prefer to be a stay at home dad while your wife goes off and brings home the moola, hey, props to you; do whatever makes you happy.
I definitely don't think anyone should feel obligated to fulfill traditional gender roles, and I don't think a stay at home mom is any better or worse than a working dad. I think it's society who sometimes places unequal importance on these roles.
But today, many feminists are more focused on trying to achieve everything men can do, we're forgetting the unique talents that make us women.
I personally can't wait to be a mom to my kids, and raise them right and nurture them as much as I can. I can't wait to rock my future babies to sleep and sing to them, to hold them tight when they grow up and experience their first heartbreak, and to be their rock, their nurturer, their mom.
I think a lot of women feel pressured to go out and conquer the corporate world, to prove that they can do everything that men can do, but you see, being a stay at home mom seems to be one of the hardest, most challenging jobs out there, and I think a lot of times it is completely undermined.
I believe that all individuals can do anything that they want to and that women should be given the same rights and opportunities as men, and not only that but to be treated in the same way too.
But today, feminism has risen to something that isn't quite the feminism I stand for. It has become more of trying to prove we are better and can do everything men can do, rather than equals among them and aware of the different strengths and weaknesses we have.
Again, not all men and women are the same, but speaking as a whole here, women and men are better at different things, and instead of trying to prove one gender is better than the other, we should embrace our uniqueness and strive for equality.