I can remember all the way back to elementary school when I thought being 16 was old. I looked at all the older girls that would coach me in cheerleading or my student dance teachers and just think, 'I can’t wait till I’m as old as them.' Their lives looked so interesting from the outside.
Then I was 16, and as great as being a teenager and being in high school was, there’s a lot that the world doesn’t prepare you for. School isn’t just adding two plus two anymore; you actually have to learn some physics and awful trigonometry. You’ll start to fail some tests or quizzes since we all can’t be perfect 24/7. Probably break some rules like sneaking out in the middle of the night, and no matter how sly you think you are, chances are you got caught before. Once you were caught, you got your phone taken away and were punished for some time. You probably had your first heartbreak by now, and we all know that’s a rough one. You’ve realized by now that girls are actually the worst and talk behind your back and the ones that were supposed to be your best friends don’t truly have your best interest in mind. Just as all 16-year-olds do, you doubt your body and go on one of those stupid diets even though you don’t have to. Being 16 seemed like it would be everything from an 8-year-old's eyes.
Not only did 16 look like a great age to rush into, but when I was 16 everyone that was 21 seemed like such adults. Adding all the older kids on Facebook that went to your high school to see what they’re doing now and making yourself jealous at all the interesting things these older people were doing was a regular thing. Little did we know that life isn’t any easier in your 20’s either.
With age comes responsibly; turning 18 was a hit when you couldn’t do dumb crap anymore and not worry about getting caught since you could actually get in serious trouble now. But deciding on colleges and doing well on the SAT’s and actually leaving home are just other hard parts of growing up. Once you do get to leave home, you try all new things and learn your place and who you are, but that doesn’t come without trial and error. You’re going to go out and drink way too much, but you’re also going to learn what you can and cannot drink. Chances are you're going to play around with fashion till you find what you like to wear every day and what your style is. Makeup is a big one as well since following YouTube videos isn’t the easiest. Are you more of a natural look person or can you get away with the dark smokey eye? You’re going to have to try everything out and learn what makeup you're comfortable with. People think this is all done and figured out in high school, but you're not the person you were in high school for the rest of your life. Growing up isn’t just about trying to find yourself, but instead is the real responsibility. Credit cards will start to approve you and you hit that max amount faster than you think. Paying your own bills comes along too. Your food, phone, Netflix and etc. is not free, and those bills come each month for you. Is that 20 dollars you just made going to go to the bar or your bills? Chances are you're going to pick bar a few times and be begging for help when you get your bills. School is actually harder now and you have to do well in your classes to move onto your higher classes. Homework counts for a grade, studying is a week long thing for one test, and sleep deprivation is a real thing. On top of all that schoolwork, you also have work since money doesn’t grow on trees and you have to support yourself. Juggling life once you’re in your 20s isn’t a walk in the park either, it comes with trial and error and getting your life together.
Remember when the hardest part of your day was when you had to reframe yourself from talking in the halls in elementary school? Coming home to stocked kitchen with food and snacks and home cooked meals every night for dinner. Being able to run outside every weekend and play with the neighbors or meeting up with everyone in the neighborhood on your bikes. The worst pain you’ve felt as this point was the pain of falling off of that bike. School consisted of the teachers reading to you on the mat or sitting in music playing a recorder. Life the younger you are will always be the easiest time of your life. Sitting here today on my third cup of coffee, finishing homework and trying to go out tonight isn’t easy stuff. Therefore, I’m making myself a time machine and I’ll see you guys in the year 2000.