I'm a lucky gal.
Someone invented grilled cheese all those years ago, and that truly makes my existence a worthwhile one. Sometimes when the wind gets cold, I can bury my nose in the big scarves I own too many of, and for that I am truly grateful. There are some people in my life that give such incredible hugs that I swear I just want to continue hugging them for as long as I live, to never ever let that feeling go. Sometimes when I crawl under the covers at the end of a long day it feels just right, and on the contrary, sometimes I stay up eating ice cream and knitting and watching cheesy television until sleep gets the best of me; both scenarios however equally as satisfying. My life contains opportunities to snuggle with dogs, to have jam sessions with friends, to stay out late and look at stars even when the cold air threatens to soak through my sweater. My life has moments I can feel so deeply in my soul that I sometimes have to take a step back and just observe, and for that I am truly lucky.
I think too often I focus on things that are unhappy, something I believe everyone's felt much of in the past year. I think too often I feel entirely, completely discouraged, I feel the world has crumbled beneath my feet and the things I thought I knew have been turned right on their heads. There is so much sadness, so much pain in the world, that I feel I often forget to see the good in it.
But honestly, and I truly, truly believe this, for every bad thing out there, for every traumatizing news story or shocking photograph, there is good. This in no way makes the bad any better, but working to find the good in things, and focusing on the small, even seemingly insignificant things in life that are so, so beautiful, can truly make a difference in your outlook on the world, and how you connect with those around you. I am so incredibly lucky because I have so many incredible, even if small, things in my life, and I see more and more every day. For every challenge I face I know I can find beauty, and for that I am lucky beyond belief.