Before you jump me, I was always taught to pull the audience with the opening. I imagine with that title I will grab quite a few people's attention, or at least I hope. I am quite proud to be born and raised here in the good ole' US of A, but I hope that most will agree that this presidential election has brought out the ugly in the majority. Not even just the election. Maybe being younger I was naive to the fact that people really are stupid and ignorant. But here I am, 24 and noticing all the good, bad and the ugly.
Let me begin by saying how dare any of you jeopardize your relationships, whether they be family or friends, acquaintances, etc over being republican or democrat even better over whether they are Trump or Hillary supporters. That is embarrassing, America. And if you're one of those who has to comment ignorance onto others' Facebook statuses or one of those who post said status in the first place, shame on you.
Please let me bring to your attention that Trump is in fact our President and will so be for the next four years. I'm not sure I'm understanding the whole #NotMyPresident because last time I checked we are all on the same ship and if it goes down, we all go down. So let's turn some of that negativity around and have a little faith and pray that this man makes the right decision for our country.
And before I'm labeled a "deplorable," I was back and forth between both candidates for the entire span of the election. I'm not sure I was ever for either one of them. The whole election itself was quite unbearable to even watch. If there's one thing I learned in middle school, it was to not bring others down to bring your self up. Seemed to me this what the entire thing was about. Embarrassing? A tad.
Dare I even bring up the rioting, excuse me, "protesting," that has been occurring since the results of this election? Good 'ole land of the free burning flags on Veteran's Day. Disgusting. I'm not sure when rioting and looting became a career, but whatever helps you sleep better at night.
How many people do I think I'll offend during the reading of this article? Probably a few, but here is yet another reason why being an American can be embarrassing. Not even the grown-est of men can put on their big girl panties and not take something personal. A Starbucks cup? For the second year in a row? Seriously? I'm sorry, I forgot there were innocent people being murdered over in the Middle East, countries with out food and water and our very own vets homeless on the street. But please continue on to tell me why your feelings are hurt.
Our country has turned into a bunch of babies (putting it nicely) who get praised for doing a mediocre job. Better yet, get praised for doing no job at all. I'm certainly glad I pay taxes for Obamacare so those who can't afford it can have it. Meanwhile I can't even afford it. Don't even get me started on how I pay taxes for those who have no intentions of working so they can have the brand new iPhone 7. America has become too sensitive and that's embarrassing. Living in a world where now dodgeball is too dangerous and even if you lose, you still get a trophy that says you won. America has lost the ability to laugh at itself.
Now, I have possibly gotten your attention. I'm very much proud to be an American, but some of my fellow Americans certainly make it embarrassing for the rest of us. As divided as we are now, it doesn't matter if Vanilla Ice was President. It's up to us to come together and help make this country a better place. *mic drop*