Here's a challenge: Look at any social media site for five minutes, or just watch the news, and try not to find an argument over some controversial topic. It's seemingly impossible. People love to argue and fight with each other. Myself included. But recently, I've learned that that doesn't help anyone or anything. So I'm done.
I'm done arguing with people over politics and gun control and abortion and religion and whatever else there it to argue about. Because at the end of the day, it's not getting us anywhere. It's not changing anything. It's only causing more fighting.
I'm tired of trying to convince someone that I'm right while they try to convince me that they're right. I was recently hit with the realization that my opinions are not going to change. I feel very strongly on many issues, so why should I believe that I can persuade others to think my way? Odds are, those who fight back and refuse to back down, are not going to change their beliefs based on what anyone says. I know because I was one of them. And honestly I still am. So engaging in these arguments is like continuously pouring kerosene on a forest fire. Not healthy and it kills everything.
Let me make this clear: I understand that the "issues" are important and need to be talked about. However, two college students fighting with one another about who's right is not going to fix them. And the truth is, we don't know everything. None of us are in congress, so there is a lot of information that is being withheld from us. That's just the way it is. While we may know enough to construct a solid argument, we will never know it all.
Now, I am all for the citizens of this country having a voice and being allowed to use it. But it should be used in a respectful manner, to someone who has the power to make a change. Not to a peer who will simply argue just because they like to oppose people. That gets us nowhere.
I think it's so important to stay true to your beliefs. So hold them tightly, but never force them on someone else. I know what I believe, and nobody is going to change my mind. So I won't try to change anyone else's. Especially over issues that we don't have control over.
Tragedies happen everyday, for reasons that none of us will ever understand. But quarrels about who has the "right" approach to prevent it from ever happening again, are never going to work. Instead of fighting with one another after a tragedy happens, just acknowledge that you have different beliefs, but realize that you share immense sympathy for the victims. Focus on that aspect instead. Say a prayer together instead of arguing about who has the best solution. That's how the healing begins. That's how the fighting stops.