They say a picture is worth a thousand words, which is true, however it can also bring back a thousand emotions. Taking pictures whenever I get the chance is something that I try to do. No matter what it is, capturing the moment and how I felt at that exact second. It is important to me to try to remember as many things as I can about past experiences.
A lot of the pictures on my phone are saved Snapchat stories or Instagram pictures, but they are all important. Those make the best pictures to look at and think about. Looking at old pictures takes you back to the time when it was taken. They make you think about who you were with and what you were doing, remembering stories that you might not have remembered without seeing the picture.
Along with remembering stories, the emotions may also return. If somebody else takes your picture and captures a moment, seeing the picture will make everything flood back.
Capturing the world around you is a great thing. Living in the moment and enjoying everything is definitely important, but, going back and re-looking at things can also give you a new perspective. You can zoom in and see small details that you would have never noticed in person or just glanced over without giving it much thought.
Pictures are important to different people for different reasons. For some, their Instagram aesthetic is their entire life. Others love to have every single thing ever documented on their phone. Whatever it may be, it is important to reflect on your life while looking through pictures and smile and enjoy it.