Why I Am Pro Life And Refuse To Keep Quiet About It | The Odyssey Online
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Why I Am Pro Life And Refuse To Keep Quiet About It

If we are a generation so fond of life, it’s about time we start caring about the lives right in front of our noses, and frankly, in our uteruses.

Why I Am Pro Life And Refuse To Keep Quiet About It
Haley Walker

I would like to talk about abortion. Before you roll your eyes and press the back arrow, please hear me out and please listen to my heart.

By definition, abortion is the termination of a human fetus from a pregnant woman, so the debate comes in when deciding when human life starts. Whose life, whose choice? Well, Dr. Jerome LeJune, a professor of genetics at the University of Descartes in Paris has stated, “After fertilization has taken place a new human being has come into being. It is no longer a matter of taste or opinion. Each individual has a very neat beginning at conception.”

I understand if you don’t want to take his word for it since he’s a professor out of the country. Well-traveled people are so close-minded, am I right? Let’s go local. Professor Micheline Matthews-Roth from Harvard Medical School stated, “It is incorrect to say that biological data cannot be decisive, it is scientifically correct to say that an individual life begins at conception, our laws, one function of which is to help preserve the lives of our people, should be based on accurate scientific data.”

But then again, if you don’t want to trust someone with a hyphen in their last name, as simply put as possible, Professor Hymie Gordon, previously the chairman of the department of genetics at Mayo Medical School stated, “By all the criteria of modern molecular biology, life is present from the moment of conception.” There are hundreds, if not thousands of professors and scientists alike who believe that life begins at the moment of conception. So, sticking to definitions, intentionally cutting this life short is called murder.

As a follower of Christ, I must slip in the huge fact that we are ALL the work of God’s hands (Isaiah 64:8). Psalm 139 beautifully depicts how we are knit together in our mother’s wombs, how He knows the number of hairs on our heads, and how He knows the thoughts in our precious brains, the ones He created.

The intricacy of the whole universe is reflected in the knowledge that we are His creation and we belong to The Creator. Abortion is cutting this life short. It’s saying to God, I know you knit this individual human in this individual womb with a specific purpose, to be alive at such a time as this (Esther 4:14), with a specific plan You breathed breath into, that You gave a beating heart to, but I don’t care. I don’t trust Your timing, Your provision, or Your ability to provide. This other life has gotten in the way, has become an inconvenience, and I’m choosing to remove it. Our entire country is based on the right to LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Everyone, every single being, has a right to life. We are in no position to play God and remove that right from someone else.

If you don’t believe in God (I would love to have a conversation with you about that), no worries, I have a different approach to present my argument to you from. If you don’t think the baby is life, then I’m wasting my breath. But I know for a fact we can all agree the impregnated woman is life, so let’s talk about her. The American Pregnancy Association lists that the side effects of abortion include: insomnia, eating disorders, depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, regret, and infertility. These are lives too. I am pro these lives too.

The Elliot institute states that women who had abortions also had: 59% increased risk for suicidal thoughts, 261% increased risk for alcohol abuse, 280% increased risk for any substance use disorder, and 61% increased risk for mood and social anxiety disorders.

SIX PERCENT of suicidal ideation among women in America is abortion related. If stopping abortion is also a form of suicide prevention, I think we have a win-win situation on our hands. This generation is so concerned with equality, halting wars, and claiming that various forms of subsections of humanity matter.

If we are a generation so fond of life, it’s about time we start caring about the lives right in front of our noses, and frankly, in our uteruses. Equality. The human fetus deserves just as equal of an opportunity to life as my next door neighbor. War. Nineteen percent of women who go through an abortion experience side effects of PTSD. Abortion is a genocide that has killed 58 million babies since legalized in 1973. Lives matter.

Yes they do, so stop promoting the termination of them before they even get the chance to open their eyes, ride a bike, or fall in love. For every unwanted pregnancy, there is a family struggling to have children, wanting to expand their home.

Adopted lives matter more than personal convenience. Adoption is especially an option considering rape and incest combined is only 1% of all American abortions. It’s time for this fiery generation to come together and stick up for life.

My Jesus chose life for me when I deserved death, the least I can do is speak life towards other people. I am a sinful, broken human, who was born six weeks early. Jesus could have dismissed me, my mother could have done the same, but they didn’t.

They chose life, love, and they fought for me. We are a people are full of compassion, I beg you to put it toward the right to life. It took me an hour to write this article, and in that amount of time, about 38 human lives were aborted, and this completely breaks my heart. I plead with you, the living soul reading this article, choose life.

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