I will start off by saying that this blog post will be especially biased due to the fact that I, myself am joining the military. Let me clarify that for you: Yes, I am indeed a woman, and yes I am indeed joining the military.
- I stand because they lost thei
r legs so that I might stand on mine. - I stand because the one I love fights for you overseas.
- I stand because I respect them for doing things that many cannot fathom doing.
- I do it because for so many years, all that we've been fighting for, was the ability to stand up for what we believe in.
- I stand in reverence to those who lost their lives and to those who lost them.
I have someone I love who decided that it was not only admirable to fight for his country, but he knew that it was his duty to fight for me also.
We have this twisted view of what a hero is. It's not someone who wears a cape and flies around the city saving lives. A true hero might be a single mother raising three kids. I might be a doctor who works the night-shifts to not only save lives, but to pay rent. My hero wears a dog-tag where his heart is, so I do the same and place my hand above mine. My hero counts the days 'til he's home, but yet he can barely wait 'til he can get back to saving the lives of people he doesn't even know.
- I stand because my heart is in the hands of the man who puts his heart on the line.
- I stand because I might not be here if it were not for people like him.
- I stand because I love my country.
- I stand because It's the least I can do.
- And I stand because they stood before the world, so that I might stand for the flag.