One of the least useful traits I have obtained in college is by far my strongest one: procrastination.
It happens to the best of us- or maybe to worst of us. I don't really know how to look at it; but either way, college students around the globe are experiencing the tragedy of my life in just the same way I am. It's because of Netflix, or it's because of beer; or both in my case.
Whatever the reason, professors continuously accept my slapped-together 10 page papers and can't tell that I actually wrote it the night before (sometimes with just hours to spare.)
So, because this article is due in the next hour and I have no idea what to write about, I thought I'd point out all the reasons that I wait until the last minute to do everything I have to do, and hopefully some of you understand.
1. Netflix
Instead of working, I'll be watching Orange is the New Black, LOST, Parenthood, Weeds, literally anything.
2. Food
Because I would much rather go out to eat than sit down and write an outline for a research paper.
3. "I work better under stress"
Not necessarily sure if this is true, but I'll try out the alternative later.
4. "Why do today what you can do tomorrow"
5. Someone had a wine and craft night
This is actually one of my biggest soft spots. When there's a sale at the liquor store and bottles of wine are only $3, it's something to celebrate.
6. It's Thursday
Self explanatory.
7. Social Media
Twitter fights, Facebook updates, looking up healthy recipes on Pinterest I'll never actually eat, or having to watch someone's snap story. There's always a reason to procrastinate.
8. I forgot
Actually, I "forget" to do things I don't really want to do. Sorry Professor.
9. This thing is due in 3 minutes I should probably turn it in.
I should have probably planned this out a lot better, my bad.