Nothing compares to the various friendships that form over the span of a lifetime. They are the ones that are the closest to your soul and know your deepest, darkest secret. My friends have the whole package that continuously make me a better person. Given that, here are some things my friends rubbed off on me and reasons why I owe them a thank you for shaping me into the woman I am today:
1. To be Generous
As cliched as the questions are--"I forgot my wallet at home, can you cover me?" or "I have nothing to wear, can I borrow something of yours?"-- these tiny questions have taught me to not take for granted the acts of kindness from others, but instead to be generous in any given situation on a daily basis. Life is too short to live solely for yourself. I thank my friends for opening my eyes to the idea of living for others and that "what comes around goes around."
2. To Listen
Each one of my friends listen. They are my voice of reason and a cheap therapist. They disagree or agree, but regardless they still listen. Surrounded in a crazy world, they are the ones that truly taught me to listen. We all know how to hear, but we don't all know how to listen. Its a skill most of us struggle to master. I thank my friends for helping me to genuinely, carefully, and mindfully listen to the words of others.
3. To Show
The late night ice cream runs when I'm sad, the inspirational quotes left by my bedside when I need a pick me up, and the hugs when I'm feeling lonely. They barely ever tell me they care. They instead show me they care, every day, by actions rather than words. From them, I have learned to show affection and to love deeply.
4. To Trust
Every heart break, dumb decision, accomplishment, and major life-crisis they have stood by me--holding my hand--and slowly letting me trust them. Every tear I shed was simply patted away from the reassurance of their words. They taught me that trust exists miles a part or feet away from one another. They taught me that trust is formed within your heart and not something you can see or hear. It is rather something that is felt. I thank them for letting me trust all my dreams, aspirations, struggles, and secrets between my heart and theirs.
5. To Live it Up
In the midst of growing up, my friends and I often forget to act our age. I thank my friends for teaching me to dance like no one is watching and enjoy every part of life. Because of them-- I smile and appreciate happiness and pure bliss. Memories created by just simply living in the moment. I have learned when to relax and to not always take life so serious.
6. To be Determined
My friends have always had their head in the right direction. They live life excited for the next milestone and get involved with passion. I thank my friends for living life with positive thinking and being good influences around me. A lot can affect your motivation and determination by who you surround yourself by. So I thank my friends for always giving me the endless support towards my accomplishments in life.
7. To be Confident
They have taught me to feel sassy wearing 5 inch red heels or bright pink lipstick. I have learned to grow an even bigger voice because of them. They had me think less about what others think and do more of what makes me happy. They've helped me learn to feel beautiful inside and out and to be confident through my words and actions. After all, confidence is real beauty.
7. To be Healthy
If we are not indulging in a carton of Ben and Jerry's ice cream, watching the bachelor... we are supporting each other of a healthy lifestyle. I appreciate their love to be fit (not skinny) and their creative cooking skills in the kitchen. I thank my friends for showing me cool workouts found on Pinterest and introducing me to a love for good fruits and veggies.