I'm a woman, and I am conservative. This may not be a shock, but it is an important part of who I am. I am conservative because I believe men and women are equal. As a woman, I respect men, and expect the same respect in return. I believe abortion is wrong, but the way to go about ending it isn't by protests and forcing graphic pictures in people's faces. The way to see change is through kindness, love, and compassion. Being a conservative woman means being different from many women in America. I do not identify with feminism in any form. How can marching around with private parts on your head inspire or encourage anyone? How does rudeness and disrespect rally the troops and inspire people to join you? It doesn't. I am a conservative because I stand for traditional marriage roles, no matter how many people may hate me for it. As for the second amendment, that is a right I am proud to stand by. Guns aren't the problem, uneducated, dangerous people with guns is. As a conservative, I support the President of the United States. Not simply because I am a conservative, but because he is the leader of our country, and has done amazing things thus far. He deserves our respect in every form.
Those things make me conservative, and I will never back down from them. I will never give up my faith in Jesus and will willingly defend it. I will stand for the flag and respect the men and women that fight so hard for those stars and stripes. As a conservative, I know that respect is the key to discussions and arguments. I know when to back off, and how to respectfully back out when not making headway. I know that men are not the bad guy. Women are to come alongside men and help them, complete them, and partner with them. We are not supposed to bash, mock, or hurt them. Women's rights groups and feminism have given way to violence and hatred. What started as equality turned into something much more.
I am a conservative woman, but I am not the only one. There are many, many of us all over the world. We are standing up for what is right and acting as a break from the harshness and cruelty of leftist groups. We are a force to be reckoned with. But we are a force with principles founded in truth, class, and respect. We won't put you down, but we won't put up with lies, or fake news. We will call you out, but give you a chance to explain your views. That's how we operate. Fair, balanced, respectful. At one time, being a conservative woman was probably rare. Now? Conservative women across the globe are making their voices heard. They are encouraging people to join the conservative movement and have a different take on the world. A clear, unbiased view. I am one of these women and I am proud to say it. Conservativism to some is a name that represents their views. For a conservative women, it is a way of life.