Well, we’ve come to another election season. Another year full of facebook posts that get far too heated far too quickly. In our current election the words “two evils” have come up often, but as a Queer, disabled, sexual assault survivor, woman, when I hear people are voting for Donald Trump, my blood boils.
As a queer woman, this bothers me because Trump has come out to say that he supports “traditional marriage” What is traditional marriage anyway? Between one white man and one white woman? Who are both practicing Christians? And the woman stays at home and the man works? What the hell is traditional anymore? In October of 2015, Donald Trump said that he’d try to overturn the supreme court decision to legalize same-sex marriage federally, and you know what? He has a chance at this if he becomes president.
In the situation that he becomes president, he could nominate a Supreme Court justice that disagrees with same-sex marriage and then go through the Supreme Court again. It could happen. And my wedding planned for just over 600 days from now? Could be halted.
As a disabled woman, I have a bigger issue with Donald Trump than ever. I have a disease called Multiple Sclerosis. I was diagnosed in January of 2016, and have struggled for the last year dealing with many spasms. Last fall, Donald Trump mocked a New York Times reporter who suffers from a rare condition. When I walk around on bad days, with my arm canes, I can feel people staring at me. Our disabled community in this country is terrible, and we don’t do enough to make sure everywhere is ADA accessible, and this could be made worse with Trump for president.
As a sexual assault survivor, I am scared of Donald Trump being president. A video was released of Trump saying he could “Grab them by the pussy” because he was a star. I was sexually assaulted when I was 12 years old. I feel extremely uncomfortable with the fact that this man feels like he can grab any woman by the pussy because he is a celebrity and a man.
As a woman, I would hate to have a president who wants to not only put me down and degrade me. Donald Trump has been known to call women “fat slobs’ and “pigs”. When confronted about these, he said “Only Rosie O'Donnell.” How does that make it better? Donald Trump has also objectified women. In 2013 on his show the celebrity apprentice, a former playboy and contestant on the show, was mentioned to have dropped to her knees begging to stay. His comment on this? “It must be a pretty picture, you dropping to your knees”. He's also said that pregnancy is an inconvenience to employers but I’ll just leave that alone.
There are far more reasons why I’m begging you to not vote for Donald Trump to become president, but these are the reasons why it hurts knowing you’re voting for him. Please vote for love, and compassion in our country and not hate and put downs.