Donald Trump is the new President-elect of the 2016 election. Whether you support Trump, or wish the worst for Trump, the votes have been counted, the winner has been announced, and Donald Trump is moving into the White House.
Over the course of this week there have been celebrations, and there have been riots. I think I might be feeling the same way as many of you. You aren't quite sure what the future looks like, you might be a little nervous and you don't really know how to react.
I may not be able to pinpoint my emotions toward our new President, but what I can say is I will not chant in the streets "Not My President!" I will not hope Trump does something terrible enough to get him impeached. I will not pretend jokes to leave this great country are funny. I will not be a part of a generation that thinks rioting in the streets, breaking windows of small business owners' shops, vandalizing property and disrupting the lives of those around them is helping anyone at all.
I will not hope Trump will fail.
Hoping for Trump to fail is the same as hoping for our nation to fail. If you want to see change in this nation, do it the right way. Do not take advantage of this time of turmoil to break laws. Do not use this as an excuse to disrespect other's views or opinions. Do not assume every person who voted for Trump hates anyone who isn't white or straight.
Stop assuming. Stop hating. Stop being Un-American.
Being American is supporting your government. Being American is loving your neighbor. Being American is creating change by using the political system in place, not dismantling it. Being American is respecting each other. Being American is hoping the very best for our President.
I am not saying this is a one-way street. I have seen and heard both sides of the argument.
Those who are trying to scare others with threats, name-calling, and slanderous talk, you too, are being Un-American
Just because Trump won does not give you the right to yell in the face of a Muslim woman to go back where she came from. She is just as American as you are.
Just because Trump won does not give you the right to taunt the Hispanic community with jokes about a wall. No one has that right. They are just as American as you are.
Just because Trump won does not give you the right to belittle, make fun of, antagonize, tease, blame, insult, harm or hate anyone that is different than you. They are all just as American as you are.
Donald Trump will not be the President of the White Only United States of America.
Donald Trump will not be President of the Male Only United States of America.
Donald Trump will not be President of the Perfect United States of America.
What he will be, is the President of the United States of America of its people.