Anybody that knows me pretty well has most likely heard me say in relation to the differences between optimism and hope, it's that optimism is finite but hope is infinite. It is something through which I live my life around. If I constantly go around saying with a smile on my face that everything is "fine" when it really isn't then I am living in a world of blind optimism. This isn't always a bad thing. Sometimes optimism is the only thing that can make a person's day bearable. I am guilty of always doing the "fine" thing, but only because I know that my anger or depression about a situation is not going to do much good in the long run, to me or to anyone else. I strive live my life to always have hope, and when that hope is rooted in something that goes beyond much further than I possibly could then that is where that hope becomes infinite. You can never run out of hope, even if the hope seems thin, it is still there and it is important to hang onto that. Rather than to go around believing that somehow, in some way, everything is going to fine, I choose to believe that while things drag me down now, I know that they will get better, and not through me. To have hope is to acknowledge that as a human I am limited, as is my happiness in a certain situation, that is why optimism, while helpful at times, is only destined to let us down in the end. Don't rely on optimism to keep you going in life, for it is only a temporary fix. Keep yourself rooted in hope and there will be no obstacle in life that you cannot endure.
Health and WellnessAug 22, 2016
Why Hope Is Better Than Optimism
There doesn't seem like there is a difference between the two, but there is.