I hate living in today's version of what "dating" consists of now. We have grown so accustomed to "hooks-ups" being the new norm. We have lost the true meaning of what a relationship is supposed to be.
Whatever happened to going on dates? What happened to being with someone and not feeling like you have to have sex with them in order for them to like you?
I hate today's new definition of dating because the thing is, we aren't dating. People are having sex before the first date because it apparently increases that person's chance of liking you. We live in a time where finding someone who does not want to hook-up is almost rare.
Why do we feel like we have to lose our values in order to feel loved? We are caught up in trying to find real love that we go through heartache instead of waiting for the right one to come along. We think that a casual hook-up is enough to satisfy our needs because at least that person is paying attention to you.
I fear for the generations younger than I am because with TV and movies the hook-up culture is becoming more dominant than being in a relationship is. We are living in a world where sex is not important. It makes someone's first time easy and so casual. It takes away the real meaning of what sex is.
Nowadays to say "I'm a virgin" is rare because it seems like everyone is on board with hooking up and losing the importance of what love and sex really is.
Why is it so wrong to want to wait before having sex with someone we just met? People are getting used to the hookup culture that not doing anything sexual on the first date makes someone a prude.
People think that hook ups will turn into something more and most of the time it really just is a hook-up and then their feelings get hurt. They are trying to find love in a world where hooking up has become the new norm.
It seems like it is becoming harder to find someone who believes in old fashion dating. We are too worried about finding love that we settle for less than we deserve and we settle with hook ups that are meaningless.
While many people are pro hook-up culture, I am against it. I would rather be single than trying to find love out a hookup. I would rather take the time to find someone who believes in the old fashion dating and going on dates. I am not going to give up my values in order to to find someone who is only going to like me for just that night.
Let's bring back the old fashion dating. Let the guy pick up the girl and take her on a date. Let the girl do the cheesy thing where she says she isn't hungry, but still ends up stealing fries off of his plate.
Bring back the days were being a virgin wasn't looked down upon and let's bring back the time where sex wasn't a requirement on the first date.