This is it. We have finally made it to our senior year of high school; and not just our senior year of high school, but our last semester of high school.
We've all waited for this year to come since we were in Pre-K trying to cut the shapes inside the dotted lines, coloring inside the lines, and other activities that got us into kindergarten.
Milk break was what we all couldn't wait for, getting to move our clothespin to the white or chocolate milk can was the task we waited so anxiously to complete, all day from learning our A-B-Cs 1-2-3s and how to tie our shoes, we made it through Kindergarten and got to walk across the stage proudly while mommy and daddy sat in the stands watching.
Little did we know that these next 11 years of our lives would go by so quickly.
From hanging on the monkey bars on the playground to trying to make Got-Fit. From staying in one classroom all day, to changing classes. We did it. If we could get through elementary school, we surely could get through High school, right?
Junior high was our awkward stage, most of us hitting puberty, boys finally finding out that girls didn't have "cooties," and so much more. We made it through All the junior high dances, the taking away of sweet tea in the cafeteria, and getting through all of the history videos we had to watch in Coach Price's class. We did it and we did it together.
But then, suddenly, our world's got flipped, turned upside down...
Unfamiliar faces started walking the same halls as us, our freshmen year. Kids from our schools around us were joining us and it was all so scary,
But what we didn't know was that they would become family to us and some of the best friends we'd make through our high-school career.
Some of us taking semester-long math... whew, I sure am glad we made it through that class alive.
From the long study nights, pizza study parties, and the nights where we just cried because of our homework. We made it through it all and if it weren't for the people who surround us, love us, and our teachers, then we couldn't have made it through these past four years.
So this is it, this is the year when the deadlines approach, the scholarships come up, the acceptance letters come in, and so much more.
But I tell you this, don't get too worked up In the hustle and bustle. One day we're going to look back on this year and have some "I wish I would haves..." and I miss you's. Do that college class and work hard for that credit, do the extra foreign language class, tryout for the sport you have wanted to do, talk to that person who you've never spoken to before because in ten years we won't see half of us again.
Make your senior year the best that it can.