High school is suppose to be the best four years of your life, am I right? You are suppose to be able to walk across the stage on graduation day, smiling saying you made it through those four years, carrying all these wonderful memories along with you into your next chapter in life. The memories you created with friends during the school day or how about the homecoming football game and dance. You are suppose to be happy that you are graduating with all your friends. Unfortunately that is not how it is for everyone. Some of us do not look forward to graduating with our class or are able to say that we have been able to make great memories with our peers.
High school has let me down tremendously. I listened to all these individuals explain how great high school would be. How i'd make new friends and make new memories. Everyone knows high school or just school in general is filled with drama. Yet no one tells you that if you remove all the drama out of your life that thatpractically means that you will not have friends. High school is literally just drama. Wherever you turn there is new gossip or your so called best friend is talking behind your back.
In addition, not only has my generation made high school unenjoyable so has the education aspect. Going to school is not about learning it is about passing and test scores. Teachers won't even take the time to help you. Now do not get me wrong, there are some teachers out there who are amazing, who give their time to help out their students. I am very grateful for those individuals. They make school bearable and make us students aware that we are not alone, that there is help if needed.
High school is no longer about your aspirations and what you plan to achieve in your high school career so that you can excel in college. Schools barely even offer classes that would help you in the real world. We should be learning independence. We should leave there confident, knowing that yes my school gave me everything I need to know to balance my checkbook or basic first aid in case of an emergency.
I wish I could sit here and say that I enjoy high school but I do not. I do not look forward to graduating with my class or going to Disney my senior year with them. I have no friends because I chose to remove the drama. I have different aspirations. My peers are not thinking about their future five years from now. How they are going to get through Med school. I have a different plan. High school has not been enjoyable for me. I am not saying it cannot be because there is still time left. So much can change in a small amount of time. I am stating the high school was not what I expected it to be.