Sure, you can borrow clothes from a sister or ask for advice about boys, but nothing is better than being a girl and having an older brother. Extra points if they're significantly older. My brother and I are eight years apart, and for as long as I can remember, he's been my best friend. When I was younger, I literally thought my brother was a celebrity, and now that I'm in college, he's the first one I always want to tell my good news to. Here's 13 reasons why having an older brother is the best.
1. You rarely ever fight about anything.
Since you have different friends, different interests, and different genders, there's not much to fight over since your worlds revolve around other things. Unless you're little kids, and it's over who had the cooler kids meal toy. (RIP to the Sonic Toy Telescope our mom threw out the window)
2. When a boy breaks your heart, your older brother will want to break him.
"He was ugly anyway." I could beat him up." "Forget him, you can do better." And my personal favorite, "Give me your phone—I'm going to text him."
3. When you're younger, you'll know about something really cool before all your friends.
I've been listening to Cory Smith since I was in elementary school. Sorry, losers, you're behind the trend.
4. You always have someone to ride around and jam out with to the best music.
NSYNC, Slim Shady, NItty Gritty Dirt Band, and even Michael Buble were always big hits.
5. You have someone to play jokes on your mom with.
One time, me and my brother called my mom Hitler for an entire day. #sorrymom
6. When you're going through your awkward middle school phase where you're embarrassed to be seen out in public with your parents, you'll have your cool older brother to balance things out.
"Yeah, parents are lame, but did you see my brother? Yeah, he's so cool. He's in college."
7. The funny movie that your friends never seem to appreciate enough, he probably loves, too.
I'm looking at you "Hot Rod."
8. And you'll probably spend half of your conversations quoting the movie in number seven.
Every conversation with my brother isn't complete without a "Hot Rod" quote.
9. T-shirts.
Before the days of stealing your boyfriends, you would just walk down the hall and steal them right out of your older brother's closet any time you want. I still do this.
10. Random long phone calls about literally anything and everything.
What started as a quick call to tell him about school turns into an hour long conversation about what you want to do with your life, where you want to get married, what Mom and Dad should do with their lives, what kind of guy I should date, planning a weekend trip to visit each other, and usually ending with what meal you're about to eat.
11. You always have someone to call you out when you're being a bitch.
When another female tells you you're being a bitch, you kind of just want to slap her. But when it's coming from your older brother, you know for real it's time to reevaluate what you're doing.
12. Someone to always keep your secrets.
Whether it's when you're eight or 18, your older brother is the best person to tell you're secrets to, because he wont tell your friends. And you probably know some of his, so it's a mutual agreement to not tell Mom.
13. You have a built-in best friend.
They literally can't escape you because of the whole "related" thing, so you might as well be more than just siblings, but be best friends.
I joined a sorority in college and now I have 200 sisters, so I get my fair share of girl time and gossip, but nothing in the world is better than hanging out with my cool older brother. From when we were little and he got me hooked on "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" to now, when he gets me hooked on hip restaurants to go to, he will always be my role model and best friend.