Don’t let the title of this piece fool you; I have my share of girl power flowing through my veins. I understand that many courageous women in our US History have given me so many rights that I am thankful for. Without these women, I would not have the right to vote or to have equal pay in whatever job I choose. Today, in a progressive society where equality is more important than stability, though, the level of feminism has drastically changed, from the original women fighting for rights.
Feminists now:
Don’t actually want equality.
Nowadays, feminism is no longer just a matter of being equal to man, but now is pushing for the superiority over men. I have read countless articles in which women use male downfall to push the rise of the female gender. They make many jokes, underlying insults, and remarks that could insult men, but as soon as someone comes back at them, they are the first to pull the “girl card.” If you want equality then actually treat others equal and take what you dish out.
Let it cloud opinions.
In several things, especially elections, feminists let gender control their vote. This is not a rationally sound reason to determine the decisions of our country. There is so many other things to consider and to vote based on one single thing would just prove the ignorance of the topics at hand. There is nothing wrong with being proud of women getting a voice in our government, but if their only good quality is that they are a female, then that is not a solid enough foundation for giving a position of leadership.
Only accept certain women.
Also, feminists are against women also. Crazy to think, right? But to those who call themselves a feminist are completely judgmental to women who want men to be in the role that God originally designed for them to be in. Which is the head of the house. Many say that it is weak to have a male make decisions for you, and that you have the right to lead your own family. While there are instances in which women should have a say so in what happens, God created men to control and be accountable for the well-being of his family.
Make women fragile.
The point of feminism is to give power and empower them in such a way that they might feel equal. Unfortunately, though, feminists in society today go about this all wrong. They choose to let women feel as if they are victims. Let women feel that if they are not good enough to do something that it isn’t their fault, and let them have peace in that, instead of working to gain the strength. They choose to be cowards in the way that they speak until spoke to, as said before.
Feminism is a concept that was super important in reaching where we are as a country today. 21st-century feminists have found ways to manipulate the system in getting everything they want, but not willing to compromise. Everything that has been brought to light above, are the reasons why I love being a woman, but will never be a feminist.